Design Your Business For Greater Adaptivity

We guide organizations through complex transformational journeys, making improvements simple enough to succeed with, yet powerful enough to have lasting effect.

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What Adaptivity Can Do for You

Achieve outcomes instead of outputs

Implement measured change

Navigate organizational change with confidence

Stay in charge of your transformation

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Latest Insights

Agile Coaches: Is It Time to Tap Out?

With the rapid expansion of agile methodologies and the increasing presence of agile coaches from around 2009 until the post-COVID era, agile became a ubiquitous term in organizational transformation. Yet, despite its widespread adoption, many companies saw agile transformations falter and were left wondering what went wrong. Reflecting on this trend, it’s essential to ask…

Leverage OKRs to Achieve Breakthrough Portfolio and Investment Performance – Part 4

In previous installments of this series, jointly produced by Adaptivity and WorkBoard, we discussed high-level strategy realization processes and how implementing them with OKRs can dramatically increase success. The last installment introduced high-level portfolio management structures and processes. In this, the fourth installment, we’ll discuss some foundational practices and principles for achieving high-performance adaptive portfolio…

Leverage OKRs to Achieve Breakthrough Portfolio and Investment Performance – Part 3

In the last installment of this series, jointly produced by Adaptivity and WorkBoard we discussed high-level strategy realization processes. In this, the third installment, we’ll discuss how your strategy framework expressed in Objectives and Key Results integrates with your portfolio management process and share a high-level explanation of portfolio management’s key processes.  In part 2…

Leverage OKRs to Achieve Breakthrough Portfolio and Investment Performance – Part 2

In the first installment we introduced this series, jointly produced by Adaptivity and WorkBoard. In this, the second installment, we’ll introduce a high-level explanation of the key elements of strategy realization, with the focus on processes, competencies, and techniques that enterprises must master to become more strategically adaptable and resilient than their competitors. To ensure…

Leverage OKRs to Achieve Breakthrough Portfolio and Investment Performance – Part 1

  Introduction Adaptivity is producing a series of papers to be released in installments over the next quarter. This series will make the case that a strong OKR program is an essential strategy deployment and execution process to ensure enterprises’ portfolio management and funding processes maximize investment returns for the organization. The Problem Any corporate…

Are you “Implementing” AI?

Did you learn nothing from your failed digital transformation? AI – It is “the biggest thing since the internet”! “AI will transform business and society!” AI is getting all the buzz and most of the early to mid-stage investor funding in tech today. As with every emerging technology, big buzz begets swarms of consultants, and…

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